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""" QuArK - Quake Army Knife
Various quadratic bezier utilities.
# by tiglari@hexenworld.com, May 2000
#$Header: /cvsroot/quark/runtime/quarkpy/b2utils.py,v 1.18 2002/12/29 04:18:33 tiglari Exp $
import math
import quarkx
from maputils import *
# Here should go things of general utility for managing
# quadratic bezier patches
within45 = math.cos(deg2rad*45)
def iseven(num):
return not divmod(num,2)[1]
def linearcomb(C, P):
"linear combination"
return reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, map(lambda p,c:c*p,C,P))
def extend_distance_by(v1, v2, ext):
"v1 plus distance from v1 to v2 times ext"
return v1 + ext*(v2-v1)
# Some useful things for Quadratic Beziers
def rowofcp(cp, i):
return cp[i]
def colofcp(cp, j):
return map(lambda row,j=j:row[j], cp)
def lengthof(line, divs):
if divs<0:
for i in range((len(line)-1)/2):
k = 2*i
sum=sum+lengthofseg(line[k], line[k+1], line[k+2], divs)
return sum
# If this were going to get out into generally applying non-UI
# routines, it might be worth shifting it into delphi.
def lengthofseg(p0, p1, p2, divs):
"approximates length of b2 line segment, splitting into 2^divs segments"
if divs == 0:
return abs(p2-p0)
m = b2midpoint(p0, p1, p2)
q1 = b2qtpoint(p0, p1, p2)
q3 = b2qt3point(p0, p2, p2)
m0 = b2midcp(p0, q1, m)
m1 = b2midcp(m, q3, p2)
return lengthofseg(p0, m0, m, divs-1)+lengthofseg(m, m1, p2, divs-1)
def b2midpoint(p0, p1, p2):
"midpoint of the b2 line for the three points"
return 0.25*p0 + 0.5*p1 + 0.25*p2
def b2qtpoint(p0, p1, p2):
"1 quarter point of the b2 line for the three points"
return (9/16.0)*p0+(3/8.0)*p1+(1/16.0)*p2
def b2qt3point(p0, p1, p2):
"3 quarter point of the b2 line for the three points"
return (1/16.0)*p0+(3/8.0)*p1+(9/16.0)*p2
def b2midcp(p0, m, p2):
"cp to get b2 line from p0 to p2 passing thru m"
return 2.0*m-0.5*(p0+p2)
def interpolateGrid(p0, p1, p2, p3, h=3, w=3):
"makes a bezier from the four points"
"p0, ..., p1 top row, p2,..., p3 bottom"
cp = []
h, w = float(h), float(w)
H, W = h-1, w-1
upfront, upback = (p2-p0)/(h-1), (p3-p1)/(h-1)
for i in range(h):
front, back = p0+i*upfront, p1+i*upback
across = (back-front)/(w-1)
row = []
for j in range(w):
# non 3x3 cp's need to be 5-space
return cp
def transposeCp(cp):
"returns cp transposed"
new = map(lambda x:[],range(len(cp[0])))
for j in range(len(new)):
for row in cp:
return new
# This seems to be needed because copy.deepcopy() non sembra functionare
def copyCp(cp):
"returns a copy of the cp array"
return map(lambda row:map(lambda v:v, row), cp)
def mapCp(f, cp):
"returns a new cp array with f applied to each member of cp"
return map(lambda row,f=f:map(f, row), cp)
def texcpFromCp(cp, cp2):
"tex coords of 2nd cp net are transferred to first"
if len(cp)!=len(cp2) or len(cp[0])!=len(cp2[0]):
quarkx.msgbox("transferTexcp dimension mismatch",2,4)
def maprow(row, row2):
return map(lambda v, v2:quarkx.vect(v.xyz+v2.st), row, row2)
return map(maprow, cp, cp2)
def listCp(cp):
cp2 = []
for row in cp:
return cp2
# The basic idea here is that if the patch is sitting right over
# the face, the three points p0, p1, p2 should get the patch .st
# coordinates (0,0), (1,0) and (0, 1) respectively.
def texcpFromFace(cp, face, editor):
"returns a copy of cp with the texture-scale of the face projected"
# Note special code, which inhibits recentering threepoints
p0, p1, p2 = face.threepoints(6)
def axis(p, p0=p0):
"turns a texp point into axis for computing b2 texcp's"
return (p-p0).normalized/abs(p-p0)
def project(v, p0=p0, (s_axis, t_axis)=map(axis, (p1, p2))):
# note the wacko sign-flip for t
return quarkx.vect(v.xyz + ((v-p0)*s_axis, -(v-p0)*t_axis))
return mapCp(project, cp)
def texFromFaceToB2(b2, face, editor):
"copies texture and scale from face to bezier"
b2["tex"] = face["tex"]
b2.cp = texcpFromFace(b2.cp, face, editor)
def b2FromCpFace(cp, name, face, editor):
b2 = quarkx.newobj(name+':b2')
b2.cp = texcpFromFace(cp, face, editor)
return b2
def cpFrom2Rows(row0, row2, bulge=None):
"makes cp from top & bottom rows & fills in middle"
if bulge is None:
bulge=(0.5, 1.0)
cp = [row0, None, row2]
cp[1] = map(lambda x, y, h=bulge[0]:h*x+(1-h)*y, cp[0], cp[2])
if bulge[1]!=1:
c=reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,cp[1])/float(len(cp[1]))
cp[1]=map(lambda v,c=c,b=bulge[1]:c+b*(v-c), cp[1])
return cp
def b2From2Rows(row0, row2, texface, name, bulge=None, subdivide=1, subfunc=None):
cp = cpFrom2Rows(row0, row2, bulge)
if subdivide>1:
cp = subdivideRows(subdivide,cp, subfunc)
b2 = quarkx.newobj(name+":b2")
b2["tex"] = texface["tex"]
b2.cp = texcpFromFace(cp, texface, None)
return b2
# If u and v are images of the parameter axes, this matrix
# gives the associated linear mapping
def colmat_uv1(u,v):
"returns column matrix of u, v, and z axis vector tuples"
return quarkx.matrix((u[0], v[0], 0),
(u[1], v[1], 0),
(u[2], v[2], 1))
# bcp is a flat array of control points, cp an array `rolled up'
# along the columns. The idea is to readjust the texture coordinates
# of the bcp to compensate for distortion along the columns
def undistortColumns(cp):
ncp = copyCp(cp) # this is what we return, after diddling it
h, w = len(cp), len(cp[0])
for j in range(w): # for each column
# squawk(" col %d"%j)
# get info about distances between cp's
lengths = []
sum = 0
for i in range(1, h):
dist = abs(cp[i][j]-cp[i-1][j])
sum = sum + dist
if sum == 0:
sum = 1
# now rearrange texture cp's of bcp
start, end = cp[0][j], cp[h-1][j]
texstart, texend = map(lambda v:quarkx.vect(v.s, v.t, 0), (start,end))
texgap = texend-texstart
# Now do it
# squawk('rockin')
for i in range(1,h-1):
s, t, x = (texstart + (lengths[i-1]/sum)*texgap).tuple
ncp[i][j]=quarkx.vect(cp[i][j].xyz+(s, t))
# squawk(`nbcp`)
return ncp
def undistortRows(cp):
cp = transposeCp(cp)
cp = undistortColumns(cp)
return transposeCp(cp)
# Getting approximate tangent planes at control points.
# The idea here is that at odd-numbered and quilt-end points, you
# take the actual derivatives, at intermedient end points you
# take the average of the derivative in and the derivative out.
def dpdu(cp, i, j):
h = len(cp)
if i==0:
return 2*(cp[1][j]-cp[0][j])
elif i==h-1:
return 2*(cp[i][j]-cp[i-1][j])
return (cp[i+1][j]-cp[i-1][j])
def dpdv(cp, i, j):
w = len(cp[0])
if j==0:
return 2*(cp[i][j+1]-cp[i][j])
elif j==w-1:
return 2*(cp[i][j]-cp[i][j-1])
return cp[i][j+1]-cp[i][j-1]
def tanAxes(cp, i, j):
return dpdu(cp, i, j).normalized, dpdv(cp, i, j).normalized
# Derivative matrix for parameter->space mappings and
# parameter->plane mappings, at corners.
# Not defined at non-corners due to greater complexity and/or
# ill-definition (crinkles=no deriv at even-indexed cp's)
def d5(cp, (i, j)):
dSdu = dSdv = None
if i==0:
dSdu = cp[1][j]-cp[0][j]
elif i==len(cp)-1:
dSdu = cp[i][j]-cp[i-1][j]
if j==0:
dSdv = cp[i][1]-cp[i][0]
elif j==len(cp[0])-1:
dSdv = cp[i][j]-cp[i][j-1]
return dSdu, dSdv
#def faceTexFromCph(cph, face, editor):
def texPlaneFromCph(cph, editor):
"projects texture-scale at cp handle to face, returning copy of face"
b2 = cph.b2
d5du, d5dv = d5(b2.cp, cph.ij)
if d5du is None or d5dv is None:
return None
# Derivatives of parameter->space and parameter->tex maps.
# S for space, T for texture (cap so diff from patch coords)
dSdp = colmat_uv1(d5du.xyz, d5dv.xyz)
dTdp = colmat_uv1((d5du.s, d5du.t, 1),
(d5dv.s, d5dv.t, 1))
Mat = dSdp*~dTdp
# This mapping is the texture scale & offset (differential
# of texture->space mapping)
def mapping(t3, offset=b2.cp[0][0], Mat=Mat):
texoffset = quarkx.vect(offset.s, offset.t, 0)
return Mat*(quarkx.vect(t3)-texoffset)+quarkx.vect(offset.xyz)
# Apply the texture differential to origin & two axes of texture
# space. Note wierdass sign-reversal (beaucoup de tah, Bill)
texp = map(mapping,((0,0,0),(1,0,0),(0,-1,0)))
# Now first project the texture onto a face tangent to the patch,
# then project it onto the face we want.
new = quarkx.newobj("face:f")
# new = face.copy()
return new
# The counterclockwise traversal of the edges
# supports using arithmetic to figure out how
# to `rotate' things for patch-merger & knitting
P_FRONT = 0 # first column of patch
P_TOP = 1 # last row of patch
P_BACK = 2 # last column of patch
P_BOTTOM = 3 # row 0 of patch
def RotateCpCounter1(cp):
"returns a cp net where the old P_BACK is now P_TOP"
ncp = []
h = len(cp)
w = len(cp[0])
for j in range(w):
ncp.append(map(lambda i,cp=cp,k=w-j-1:cp[i][k],range(h)))
return ncp
def RotateCpCounter2(cp):
ncp = []
h = len(cp)
for i in range(h):
row = cp[h-i-1]
row = list(row)
return ncp
def RotateCpCounter(i, cp):
if i==0:
return copyCp(cp)
if i==0:
return copyCp(cp)
if i==1:
return RotateCpCounter1(cp)
if i==2:
return RotateCpCounter2(cp)
if i==3:
return RotateCpCounter1(RotateCpCounter2(cp))
def twistedRows(cp1, cp2):
lr, lc = len(cp1)-1, len(cp1[0])-1
e1, e2 = cp1[0][lc], cp1[lr][lc]
b1, b2 = cp2[0][0], cp2[lr][0]
if abs(e1-b1)>abs(e1-b2) and abs(e2-b2)>abs(e2-b1):
return 1
return 0
def joinCp((tp1,X), cp1, (tp2,Y), cp2):
"returns cp1 extended to include cp2, assumes preconditions"
# squawk(`tp1-P_BACK`)
cp1 = RotateCpCounter(P_BACK-tp1, cp1)
cp2 = RotateCpCounter(P_FRONT-tp2, cp2)
# squawk(`cp1`)
# squawk(`cp2`)
twisted = twistedRows(cp1,cp2)
if twisted:
ncp = map(lambda row1, row2:row1+row2[1:], cp1, cp2)
if twisted:
return RotateCpCounter(tp1-P_BACK, ncp)
def knitCp((tp1,X), cp1, (tp2,Y), cp2):
"returns cp1 with edge knitted to cp2, assumes preconditions"
# squawk(`tp1-P_BACK`)
cp1 = RotateCpCounter(P_BACK-tp1, cp1)
cp2 = RotateCpCounter(P_FRONT-tp2, cp2)
# squawk(`cp1`)
# squawk(`cp2`)
last = len(cp1[0])-1
# ncp = copyCp(cp1)
twisted = twistedRows(cp1, cp2)
if twisted:
for i in range(len(cp1)):
if twisted:
return RotateCpCounter(tp1-P_BACK, cp1)
def b2Point(u, p0, p1, p2):
return u*u*(p0-2*p1+p2)+u*(-2*p0+2*p1)+p0
# return (1-u)*(1-u)*p0 + 2*u*(1-u)*p1 + p2*u*u
# This does 1 seg with 3 cp's, the crappy way.
def subdivideLine(n, p0, p1, p2):
"for n>=1, return 1+2n-tuple defining bezier quilt mesh line"
# squawk('subdiv '+`n`)
if n < 1: return
if n==1: return [p0, p1, p2]
retval = [p0]
last = p0
for i in range(n):
q = b2Point((i+.5)/n, p0, p1, p2)
p = b2Point((i+1.0)/n, p0, p1,p2)
m = b2midcp(last,q,p)
last = p
return retval
# This is supposed to do a whole 1+2*n line
def subdivideRow(n, row, subfunc=None):
if subfunc==None:
length = len(row)
result = [row[0]]
for i in range(0,length-1,2):
# squawk(`i`)
# squawk(`result`)
line = subfunc(n, row[i], row[i+1], row[i+2])
# squawk(`line`)
result = result + subfunc(n, row[i], row[i+1], row[i+2])[1:]
# squawk(`result`)
return result
def subdivideRows(n, cp, func=None):
return map(lambda row,n=n,f=func:subdivideRow(n, row,f),cp)
def subdivideColumns(n, cp, func=None):
return transposeCp(subdivideRows(n,transposeCp(cp),func))
# Attempt at a better circle approximation.
# the idea is to think of the b2 curve as an approximation
# to an image of a quarter-circle.
# Derived from a suggestion by Alex Haarer.
def arcSubdivideLine(n, p0, p1, p2):
mat = matrix_u_v(p0-p1, p2-p1)
halfpi = math.pi/2.0
points = [quarkx.vect(1,0,0)]
last = points[0]
lastdir = quarkx.vect(-1,0,0)
for i in range(n):
a = halfpi*(i+1)/n
next = quarkx.vect(1.0-math.sin(a), 1.0-math.cos(a), 0)
nextdir = quarkx.vect(-math.cos(a), math.sin(a), 0)
mid = intersectionPoint2d(last,lastdir, next, nextdir)
last = next
lastdir = nextdir
points = map (lambda v,mat=mat,d=p1:d+mat*v, points)
return points
# get i, j from index position (row-after-row listing)
# think of a better name for this
def cpPos(p,b2):
i, j = divmod(p, b2.W)
return int(i), int(j)
def writecps(cp):
debug('cp: ')
for row in range(len(cp)):
for col in range(len(cp[row])):
point = cp[row][col]
# debug(" %d,%d: s: %6.2f t: %6.2f"%(row, col, cp[row][col][3], cp[row][col][4]))
debug(" %d,%d: s: %6.2f, t: %6.2f"%(row, col, point.s, point.t))
debug(" notexcoords")
# ----------- REVISION HISTORY ------------
#$Log: b2utils.py,v $
#Revision 1.18 2002/12/29 04:18:33 tiglari
#transfer fixes from 6.3
#Revision 2002/12/29 02:57:59 tiglari
#texcpfromface now uses threepoints(6) to avoid recentering tex coords
#Revision 1.17 2001/03/20 11:01:51 tiglari
#credit added
#Revision 1.16 2000/12/30 05:27:11 tiglari
#cpPos function for mapping index position to i, j coordinates
#Revision 1.15 2000/09/04 21:24:23 tiglari
#added procedures for better circular arc segments
#Revision 1.14 2000/09/02 11:22:35 tiglari
#generalized subdivideRows/Columns to arbitrary quilts
#Revision 1.13 2000/08/23 12:12:34 tiglari
#Added support for edge knitting; fixed join bug
#Revision 1.12 2000/07/24 12:47:40 tiglari
#listCP function added
#Revision 1.11 2000/07/23 08:40:44 tiglari
#faceTexFromCph removed; texPlaneFromCph added
#Revision 1.10 2000/06/26 22:51:55 tiglari
#renaming: antidistort_rows/columns->undistortRows/Colunmns,
#tanaxes->tanAxes, copy/map/transposecp->copy/map/transposeCP
#Revision 1.9 2000/06/25 23:48:01 tiglari
#Function Renaming & Reorganization, hope no breakage
#Revision 1.8 2000/06/25 11:00:50 tiglari
#fixed antidistortion crash when sum=0. still wrong but doesn't crash
#Revision 1.7 2000/06/22 22:38:37 tiglari
#added interpolateGrid (replacing an unused fn with a goofy name)
#Revision 1.6 2000/06/12 11:20:45 tiglari
#Redid antidistort_columns, added antidistort_rows
#Revision 1.5 2000/06/04 03:21:25 tiglari
#distortion reduction (elimination) for `rolled up' columns
#Revision 1.4 2000/06/03 18:01:28 alexander
#added cvs header
#Revision 1.3 2000/06/03 12:59:33 tiglari
#fixed arch duplicator maploading problem, hopefully
#Revision 1.2 2000/06/02 16:00:22 alexander
#added cvs headers